Do you mean something like (bitArray as array)[1]? I have tried your code in a few cases but it didnt work. It might be because of my selections. He…
Hey I have just added this feature to Orionflame, and it works great. It might take a while before I post the code here as I have used alot of predef…
j_man: Light, your interface is packed tight with so many goodies you would have to use absolute co-ordinates! can’t see your app unfortunately, ‘…
On the opposite side, I always use absolute positions simply because automatic placement doesnt position the controls exactly where I want. Sometimes…
OK, how about this that does both: macroScript vLight category:”Anti-Lock Brake System” buttonText:”Toggle” tooltip:”Toggle” ( local dialogOpen …
If you mean destroyDialog by closeDialog, you can use it to destroy a dialog, and when you do so, maxscript will look for a close event handler. If pr…
That line is a rollout definition. Close event is called when the rollout is closed, which assigns false to pState variable and then forces max to upd…
Here you go: macroScript vToggle category:”Light’s Orionflame” buttonText:”Toggle” tooltip:”Toggle” ( local pState = false on isChecked return p…
Jon, Maybe this does what you need: macroScript vToggle category:”Light’s Orionflame” buttonText:”Toggle” tooltip:”Toggle” ( local pState = true …
Use a callback, IE: callbacks.removeScripts id:#selX64 callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged “print “selection changed!”” id:#selX64 Light
You really have some creative coding skills there! Light
Samuel, Maybe this does what you need: if $.multiplier == 0 then $.multiplier = 1 else $.multiplier = 0 Light
Rock on Neil! Light
Use something like this: myarray = #(chk01, chk02, chk03) myarray[1].tristate = 2 Light
Louis.cho, You can use Orionflame’s Bridge Edges to do that, which works in 3ds max 5, 6 & 7. Light