You can remove the titlebar by going into expert mode but to make the menu disappear, you have to load a blank menu instead of main menu bar as Jeff s…
Here you go: statusPanel.visible = not statusPanel.visible Light
Yeah actually I am using this along with another for toggling status panel. Light
I think what you need is this: trackbar.visible = not trackbar.visible timeslider.setVisible (not timeslider.isVisible()) Light
Giampaolo, Maybe this does what you need: timeslider.setVisible false Light
Dave, Those scripts probably suffer from implicitly declared variables. You should declare them explicity as locals and/or globals. Light
I believe that you would need to undock the command panel and redock it or hide and unhide it. I only set the width to a specific value after the dial…
Paul, I think that’s the only way. I use the same method in Orionflame. Light
I am used to Verdana, which l is slightly taller than I. Light
Hey Neil, Thanks for the update! Keep it up, Light
I think it is because of the used event handler. This one seems to be a better choice if you want to go for a similar way: mlbItems = #(“A”,”B”,”C”,”…
Maybe this does what you need: mlbItems = #(“A”,”B”,”C”,”D”,”E”,”F”,”G”) rollout test “test” ( MultiListBox mlb “MultiListBox”…
Struct name, but note that with this: fn myFunction01 = ( myStruct.myFunction02() ) I meant to show the fn definition in the original struct. L…
You need to call the fn from the struct: fn myFunction01 = ( myStruct.myFunction02() ) Light
Bronson, You need to use arrays to access elements. As in arr = #(); arr[1] You can also use this method for bitArrays, but it will only return whet…