There’s still an orphaned .mcr file in your macroscripts directory. Get that out of there and you’ll lose the unwanted category:) RH
On the second CD of Max5, there’s a file called It contains Meshtools 3, which has a slightly improved connect feature that will …
Without doing any research or testing on your specific problem, I can help you with your question about putting a “string inside a string.” You need …
Edge detection is a very tricky subject by itself. I sorted it out (somewhat) for my CleanCut script, but I see a bit of a hurdle in getting from the…
You’re all almost too helpful… Well, I’ll try to be a little less helpful next time then;) But seriously…I completely glossed over your question ab…
Welcome to MAXScript! Try this: for obj in selection do ( in coordsys obj ( rotate obj (eulerAngles 90 0 0) move obj [0,0,4] ) ) The only thing to …
From the help docs: <Gradient_Ramp>.Gradient_Type Integer default: 4 The type of gradient: 0- 4 Corner (An asymmetrical linear trans…
AFAIK, this is not exposed to MAXScript. The mix curve for falloff, blend, and the RGB/mono curves let you access points on the curve only if they’re…
Hey xynaria, glad to see you’re finally jumping into the fray! I don’t see what was causing the error in your code, but here’s a condensed way to do …
What about scanlineRender.objectMotionBlur? You shouldn’t need jblib for that, I found it in the online help! RH
Wow! Looks like you really took the ball and ran ran with it:D I’ll check this out tonight if I get a chance. RH
Oh, and to see the type of an object or value (since you asked), use classOf <value>. RH
I see the problem now. When you call a function with no arguments, you need to use parentheses to let it know you’re calling the function rather than…
I can’t check that right now (no Max here); seems like both forms should return an integer, though. What are you getting? [edit]–in other words, if …
findItem <some_array> <item_to_find> You’re passing a bitarray to findItem, which I’m not sure even works. But you don’t even need findI…