You’ll probably find that the easiest way to do this is to add a planar UVW map to each plank, randomly offsetting each mapping gizmo on its local X a…
I didn’t get as much time to work on this as I’d hoped last night. I’ve got the main bits hashed out, but it isn’t all put together yet. I should be…
visualboo – I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I don’t possess quite that level of wizardry yet:D It still takes me a little tinkering time to …
That doesn’t sound stupid at all, visualboo. It’s just that that’s a lot more trouble than I’m willing to go to at this time. I was thinking more al…
I can do this, but I need more information. You say exponential, but in your example it’s more like doubling the value. What shall it be? Is ther…
Neat! Since scripting is mostly what I’m doing these days, it’ll be easier for me to spot the new posts that I might find interesting :applause: RH
If you build it, I will come…
As Bobo suggests, a dialog is prettier than a rollout floater. I just want to add a tip from my own little bag of tricks. When you declare your dial…
I tried a couple of ideas out last night. The first was actually similar to googlo’s version, trying as much as possible to optimize the process. Wh…
I’m going to try and spend a few minutes looking into this tonight or tomorrow. I have some ideas I’d like to bounce off Max; I might have a way to g…
proteus2002 – I’ve been occasionally checking in here to see if you’ve made any progress, but I’m reluctant to chip in because I don’t have time to ta…