Thanks, R3D, that’s fantastic! I have to admit I feel a bit as though you stole my thunder – your method is based on the same conclusion that I allud…
Unfortunately, vertex and edge weights are not accessible to MAXScript. Sorry:shrug: RH
I screwed up the link. Try again:thumbsup: RH
While I work on a more…ehmm…professional presentation, here’s a file to play with. It’s a simple IK arm illustrating one method for rigging an auto-s…
No, expressions are perfectly valid here. “IK/bone constraints” (joint limits?) won’t get you where you’re trying to go. I use two different methods…
Yep! Unfortunately there’s no other way to do it:thumbsdow What’s your ultimate goal, though? Perhaps there’s a better way to get there that you’re …
Dang! This is where having Max and the docs would help me out tremendously (I don’t keep some of the little things in my brain:)). Try this: non_hi…
You don’t actually need a struct for it, I was just trying to be illustrative of Baldrick’s idea. You could just put a suite of local variables in ea…
… and now the attachment:p
Okay, never mind. That returns terribly useless information. There’s a better way, but I’m too tired right now to go into it. Maybe soon:surprised …
Reality3D – You might want to look into using getSubanimName() and building an executable string with the result, in order to access the subanim in a …
You mean like a custom attribute? You just call it as a property of the object: at time 20 obj_attrib = $.some_attribute at time 30 $.some_attribute…
I’m assuming you need to do this with script, since you’re posting in here. If you want to copy position: at time 20 obj_pos = $.pos at time 30 with…
The first question should be simple. If you’ve assigned the bitmap to a variable, just set the variable to undefined and do a gc(). As for showing t…
Ooo – I meant to look into this over the weekend, but I forgot:shame: If nobody answers before tonight, I’ll see if I can help. RH