i’m not sure if the page is just down or if i have to wait longer to read through your tutorial but the pictureBox link is dead or not active on the R…
denisT – I could just make two controllers i just didn’t know if there was a multi value controller that I was missing or a method to archive such a c…
Ok so I figured it out after taking a 5 minute break and working on anther part of the script, here is the fixed potion of script on isolate_btn pr…
FINISHED!! thanks to the discreet forums and the following web links i was able to finish my first script, some people have suggested intersect ray b…
the reason i would like to use the attach constraint VS a position script is the feed back. a position script just updates when the time line is bein…
lol thanks Anubis, i actually went the rout of mesh select, but i also remove the mesh select after the script is done, i posed up an update like 2 mi…
Ive solved my problem about selecting a face, the script temporarily adds the mesh select modifier to the modify stack, and removes the modifier afte…
anubis: thank you, i have heard that game engines do no like basic deformers like bend and twist, but for now i’m not restricted by those conventions….
i’ve desided to rebuld fromt he ground up, and i want to use the attach constrain as the backbone instead of a pos script. ok here is what i have so …
mariovargara: if i understand correctly, you want to create a point in the middle of a face that stays in the exact center of the face, based of the …
yes that is exactly what i want to do, but its only one part of the script i plan on making. I also plan on adding a parralel to normals option to th…