msn : Please join.
Realize same function with as follows maxscript. rollout SPINRadius “spin sphere radius ” width:162 height:300 ( spinner SpinRad “Radius:” po…
Upwards C++ code have error. Please highter answer. Thanks!
Using MAXScript is very easily! But using MAXSDK … How write I don’t know !
Hi, everyone How could create a menu in 3dsMax menu bar with use C++ MAXSDK? Thanks! MSN: [email=”…
That’s all right!!! OK! Can you use C++ SDK Solution such problem? Thanks!!! I wait you !!!
OK! i enjoy!!
Thanks a lot!!!
Dave Black: That’s not entirely true. You can make something similar to a toolbar VIA maxscript using the cui.RegisterDialogBar method. Have you can…
No, you don’t understand my mean!!! Such problem. may finish by maxscript !!! Use max sdk . Of course !
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