If you want to change object’s color over time put “Point3 script” controller on diffuse (or any other) color and enter expression which may look like…
I have updated the script, now it uses saveNodes function that Bobo wrote about. cheers
Thanks for the tip Bobo. I didn’t know about this function. This makes whole thing much easier.
More complicated but possible. I think it is to long to paste it so you can download it here: Here’s how it works: first save scene that you want to…
Nice job driverjase:thumbsup:
I didn’t do much testing on this one but it should work without problems. Unfortunetly “Save Selected” command isn’t available in max script but it ca…
Just put bitmaptexture to material’s diffuse map. To put any bitmap to texture use filename property. Like this: obj.material.diffusemap = bitmaptext…
Hi, You just have to loop through all selected objects and check their modifiers. If any of them is uvw map then change map channel property to 2. […
I think You can’t do this that way. When preRender callback is called all parameters are already passed to render function (but I’m not sure of that)….
I have similar problem, I’m not sure if it is possible at all. There’s nothing on that subject in max script help.
Of course, check “Scripted Shape Plug-in” in max script help. You just have to create Your own shape formula.
CHRiTTeR: Sweet! Killercombo, hahaha Wil it be free? Hows the development going (stage?) and need some testers? I think it will be free. It is…
I’m working on HDRI creating\editing software and defocus will definitely be a part of it.
Check my DeFocus plugin, perheaps this is what you need. At first I wrote it as script but it was working terribly slow, as plugin it is much faster.
Perheaps you should use checkbutton? I think this is what you need.