I can’t get BookFiller to work (I’ve tried both Max 8 SP3 and Max 2008 x64)… as soon as I pick a bookshelf object, I get [b]MAXScript Rollout Handler…
Thanks, I’ll have a look for it, though for now I’ve solved my problem using viewport-sliders, which seem to work.
Sorry to bring this back up, but I’m having trouble with linking the speed to a custom-attribute-slider. Everything works fine when I link it to the h…
pokoy: i’ve got a suggestion for a new challenge. have you seen the ‘worn edges’ plugin for cinema4d? the user paints a spline, the spline is projec…
Couldn’t you do it by point-caching the cloth simulation, and then just morphing from the last to the first frame/mesh? I don’t think doing the whole …
I don’t think it’s possible to store the different “frames” of the simulation in a single mesh, especially not using vertex animation, since the verte…
You don’t need a script for this. Get the ParticleFlowFreebies from They have a “Camera Culling”-operator that does exactly what you want.
Uhm… what is it with you people? As I said to Matijn before, “I didn’t ask anyone to do the work for me”, so please stop saying so! Anyway, of course…
I guess that “basic idea” Josh posted didn’t take him too long, being the scripting-pro that he is Plus, I didn’t ask anyone to do the work for me (…
Well, I was hoping for an automated way instead of putting the pieces together by hand (we would have to deal with 94 x 21 segments)…
I vote for these kinds of tools as well… maybe something, that simplifies ocean-animation in general, like a plane-mesh with a distance-dependant dens…