DaveWortley, really useful! Thanks!!
Sorry but i dont understand your request DenisT i need to set the iterations to 0 and the render iterations to 2, for each object that contains meshsm…
Thanks for reply, sorry I could have better explained… The slider time lines its only a proccess in the code that generates the keys for the snap butt…
Ok, now the problem is: I want to use it in a snap IK FK button, so the value may change when the snap button is pressed not when the spinner value is…
I’m very gratfeul Miauu nice nice nice!
ouch!, thanks Bobo by request, so do you think if i could use the blending spinner parameter to do something like that without callbacks? for example …
I’ve used this code text1 = Btn_Snap.text if text1 == “FK” then ( Btn_Snap.text = “IK” ) else Btn_Snap.text = “FK”