Today I go back to this script, it worked beck then when I test it but don’t work in practice. Second script look like what I’m looking for however it…
Thank You feranti that’s exactly what I was looking for.
Thankyou Feranti, I check it it don’t select objects no matter what distance between object is. I don’t know even how to define objects inside this f…
I forgot to mention that object(s) binded to root I’m looking for, can be many-selection
Thank all of you. I think this part of my work is already complete This is absolutely free question. I’m not maxscript specialist but when I put funct…
I already make a detour round an obstacle by adding this code after your function: for o in selection do ( animationobjcheckb=trackbar.getPreviousKey…
Jorge, works great. Would you be so kind and give me one more simple clue. As I operate on selection array this code should work on selection and it w…
thanks Jorge but your code select – random object but never animated:) Denis code is siutable for me but I dont know how to call this function to sele…
You right. Excuse me my messy explanation. I would like to know how many object(which objects) in selection are animated – by animated I mean objects…
Sorry, I did somthing wrong with it, your script work fine, this is exactlywhat I was looking for. Thank you. Thanks for saving my day.
Thank you, I used all 3 different commands like you gave me and test it on selected objects and it seems it prevent code from errors but don’t execut…