great thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for.Perfect code.
Thank you so much, I spent so much time to figure this out. Thanks one more time.
It’s very kind of You, script works really very well however I was running out of time with this one back then and I already wrote it on my won, not…
I know you a little bit so I don`t expect you to make it so easy:) . Translating this on maxscript will take me a day without guarantee so I write my…
So it must be rip apart anyway I was thinking about something less pain-full. like always thank you, maybe there is something less popular and more ma…
Thanks for code but I already write smimilar function yesterday when I noticed it’s limited to only edit mesh. 3 things. 1 – there are various meshes…
I attached file, This is one of models, first frame illustrate faces I have to reach, second what xview show. Models are different but situation is a…