last file I attached was in max2013 this one is in max210
Thank all of You for help, I checked your codes. I create 3 objects on scene, one without any deformabele modyfiers, one with deformable modyfier, and…
it’s fine but my programming skill is very low:( in my code one obejct is variable. It should look like this: objNamee = selection[1].name $Torus001…
maxscript showed me error after I run it: #() – Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: E:\WORK\doctor\NA CZYSTO\MODULES\SCAN\show_missing_bi…
I very fresh in maxscript programming and my knowlede is very poor, However I have to make this script. I get to far to get beck. It sound like bleck …
closer but not enough. I need get information about missingplugin to label or messageBox so in order to acheive it I put this code under your line –…
Unfortunately it wan’t work, I stick to max help if my understanding is right I made it as a function find_missing_plg with return find_missing_plg in…
thanks, I will check return, I hope it will help