All that information is in the XML document found on the server that is hosting the BB manager. We have open shares to the “network” folder on our BB…
If the camera is the only thing animating. Animate it ! Just position it every frame with a script that reads a txt file and render it. Easy-Peesy…
check out the “at Time” command in the MaxScript Help file… will give you values at specific slider times… If you have an object selected… this will …
You could parse the data you have there with filterString to just the name of the object but I would look into how you wrote the array to the .ini. …
Ok… went crazy on this one… Now makes a box with a button on the control panel to attach with… also has the option to collapse by material… fun little…
This should help… First time it runs, it creates a mesh named “CollapseInsideMe.” Use scale or move vertexes to stretch this volume to contain all t…
Is this an export from another package? Have you explored the export options or where you just given a mess and told to quote : “Just use this pile o…
we use “-” in names all the time… In our naming conventions, we just it to delineate all sorts of stuff… ex. CAR-BMW_320i-BLACK “-” ‘s are fine… …
Off the top of my head… always use parentheses around string additions… NeighborName = ( “Cell_” + (x+i) as string + “X” + (y+j) as string + “X”+ gen…
right in the MaxScript help… go to “Scripted Custom Attributes” There’s a simple example there of exactly what you are looking to do. If you need to…
It depends what you wish to achieve… two different tools… Python IN 3dsMax is not easy. Python itself is. If your looking to learn a general progra…
Always an issue when you try to quickly tear a piece of something out of a bigger construct! Updated PythonLib.BackBurner
I’ve added some functions to my BackBurner Class and made it directly available in 3dsmax via a COM connection… Though I’d post the latest since ther…
Lechoo; I’ve tried a few different things to create a job, but didn’t see that much use as you can create any job BB will render through cmdjob.exe or…
Lechoo: Have you tried sending the whole XML vs. sending line by line… I don’t think telnet likes that… HELP! Having an issue with the blurPython….