Max9 time:297 mats:100 time:563 mats:300 time:922 mats:500 time:1750 mats:700 time:2562 mats:900 time:2829 mats:1000 Max9 x64 time:219 mats:100 time:…
You have then “out of scene” by using an Xref Scene. Save all your Morph Targets in an max file, create an “Xref Scene” of it and run this… It will …
yup… but that mouse position is relative to the control… So if you scroll horizontally you get a Mouse X value relative to the control’s position, on…
That only updates when you click the column header… it should be ColumnHeaderClick Event, clicking on an object in list does not fire this event… Thi…
ahhh. You are correct… I only need to read the position of the Hscroll bar so I’d know which column was being clicked on… setting the scrollbar posit…
Thanks Denis ! This c# compile in maxscript is just insane… I see there’s a VB namespace too… just not enough time in the day to explore the possibi…
Was just interested in the control… if you want just an image button, perhaps you need a different button class… else I found this… puts an image nex…
oh yeah… Sorry about that… That’s the problem with coding directly to the forum…
Max does not like things changing in scene when rendering a range. If you have it working as you like on the slider, you can just call a series of in…
Why not just animate the visibility? Your first nine objects will need to be single numbers, not ‘01’ but ‘1’. My objects where “box1” -> “Box300…
Very cool c# compile trick… I like it and didn’t know about it… thanks… Nothing like an interpretive language doing run time compiling to then run… c…
It looks like the ribbon control is available through .net 3.5 sp1. with the WPF toolkit. It appears you’ll have to d/l something from the Office si…
“after some operations” is sorta vague… can you post some code?
Does your script include another .ms? I don’t think you can do that inside a .mse… Other Ideas: Don’t encrypt. Try Maya or XSI…