I just kicked it around for a bit too… Here’s MY version… ha ha… The globals have been removed by declaring eveything local within an over all () se…
I’m looking at it, get back to you monday. Keith Morrison Focus 360 Architectural Rendering | Architectural Visualizatio…
Thanks for that insite, I’ve just been avoiding the whole set key thing all together, but now I know how it “works”, i can think about using it again……
Do you need that on editable meshs or editable polys? Round in X,Y, and Z? Are you using the “set key” button in max 5? If so, Don’t. It sends ver…
Thanks for the input. These apparently only effect the editor and the listener text… good to know about! Keith Morrison… Nice site by the way…
Here’s a script that Explodes by element… Should get you 1/2 way there… Keith Morrison
The best starting point is right in front of you. The help button… Maxscript Reference… it’ll become you new best friend. I’ve a shortcut to it in t…
try this: ( rollout Test2 “test” ( label LB1 “Save to” label FolderName “Folder name” button SelFolder “Select Folder” width:220 on SelFolder press…
WEll Good luck… The big thing to remember about xref object is that the pivot of the object is going to be the [0,0,0] of the file your are xref’ing….
www.ScriptSpot.com Has 90%, or so, of all the scripts out there… Discreets Web board. very usefull as well… Don’t forget to use the search featu…
Sure. xref object… try it out… When it’s an x-ref object it just like being a max node, you can hide it, animate it, add modifiers… ect… You can ani…
You can not change goemetry with the prerender callback, the scene nodes have already been evaluated. The x-ref object will automatically do exactly …
X-ref Object is your best bet. Set your cars up in individual files centered at [0,0,0]. You need to collapse your car to a single mesh. Collect th…