SWEET… that is EXACTLY what I was looking for… Thanks a bunch!
Wow… This challenge is just like work… oh it IS work… I’am using VB dotNet for external apps, but I’d like to see the python thread as well. I’ve no…
I currently copy to the systemp for large txt files I read or write. I’ve noticed about a 10% speed increase by copying the file local first, but our…
You could apply a Custom Attribute to the object which has a simple UI with a button that launchs the script. The UI would come up in the control pan…
You’ll find this switch, with no UI item I can find in max, in this ini… <root dir>\InstallSettings.ini This switch makes it save crap all ove…
I have a folder on the network that is everything we’ve added to the standard max install. I compare the local to the network on startup and DL anyth…
I define global functions within the plugin folder. If have a folder in plugins named Scripted Global Functions, in there I’ve an .ms that has stuctu…
Thanks… Another “Improved feature” I suppose… Hey… Look how FAST it returns #() Now I gotta make my own server group handling routines. Keith Mor…
I agree with the arraying, if you are generating the “points” from the beginning. If you are trying to pull from an existing scene of objects that ha…
I’ve always found it easiest to have a delimiter in the name string like an unscore or dash and use the filterString function. MyPoint = (point name:…
You can also go right through with a commandline submission to BB using QT and cscript.exe. Attached is a JavaScript to launch quicktime via cScript….
Does it work on Max 9? I don’t want to invest time in using this, if I’m going to lose this functionality in a few months… Thanks Keith Morrison …