I wrote a simple verisoning system that uses a simple share point on the server. Each .ms has a version variable in it that can be read and increment…
My hacky fix. Make the .ini manually…the “extra” ones are part of a [Directories] ini section… my config.ini looks like this [Directories] Focus360…
yeah yeah… post the file… I love a good crash story…
Yes, that happens. Max gets messy with the memory after multiple file loads and gets unstable. I always start in the fresh session when working. W…
I’m on the wait list too… Where would the 3dsmax world be without Blur’s generous contributiion to the 3ds World ? ? ? Thanks
How are you setting the preview configuration on the systems? Is there maxScript access to that now? Are you copying the preview.cfg to the box to r…
sorry, uploaded now in a zip.
The createPreview() command makes a preview with the current settings in the create preview dialog. To my knowledge there is no MaxScript access to t…
Not entirely true. In a single view you can reset the veiwport size… gw.setPos 0 0 WindowSizeX WindowSizeY I use this for automated previews. It l…
That’s the work around I found as well… even the manual file set output filename dialog is buggy… it’s been that way forever…
Max does not do audio very well… ( understatment ) The only way I know to translate Audio to 3d movment is with “AudioController”. Check the standar…
Same here… works fine in 8 and 9… Max 8 sp3 Max 9 sp2 on XP 64
Look at “gw” functions in the help for viewport drawing functions. gw.setpos 0 0 320 240 Will set your current view to 320 240, it’ll mess with your…
Wow… thanks a bunch… I am just getting into c++ part of dev coding… this is a huge help…