Wow… that’s fun… ( tn = false;false = true;true = tn if not true then ( format “%:% ” true false ) ) Imagine the choas… You can create stat…
Actually it’s a one liner… I spread it out for clairity… [left]for a=1 to 20 do (for b=1 to a do(box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a45,b45,0] wirecolor:blue))…
How about this? Will give you the same structure… for a=1 to 20 do ( for b=1 to a do ( box size:[10,10,10] pos:[a*45,b*45,0] wirecolor:…
I’ve used a filein technique once… Here’s the test code from when I dev’d it… It copies the contents of the script from one file to the other, append…
Sorry, thinking about it…I referring specificly for .png pre Max9 . I haven’t test it in 9 or 2008, I just continued an older practice that worked f…
if you are net rendering, I would recommend setting your preference on your local box, saving an image and then pushing this file from your box to all…
Wow. Thanks for the Photoshop link, that’s killer… I think I’ll just delete all my .jsx files… ha ha…
I’m in the same boat as PEN. I have general functionally structures I’ve written for convenience that load at startup and filein structures of functi…
Confirmed in Max 9 and is consistent behavior from max 6 thru max 8… Both the Copy, Reference and Instance functions of MaxOps.CloneNodes does not ke…
I would keep it simple if you are trying to unhide and unfreeze everything… max unhide all max unfreeze all Unless you want more control… Loo…
As far as speed, the SaveNodes has a major delay when saving from large scene’s in Max 9. I’ve confirmed this from other users, but I don’t know if i…
if it’s just for viewport update, perhaps view and adjust object color instead of the materials. Then if you need to, before rendering apply material…
If you set the premise that all splines have the same knot count, you can then easily draw from the consecutive splines using the right hand rule and…
Fun with new python plugin. In a startup script; initalize oddly named python and DotNet controls and data classes. Write short script with simple U…
WOW… amazing… Loving it… WOW again… sooo easy… soo sweet… Can not thank you enough…