You don’t need to load the material into the editor to edit it in MaxScript… Look at “StandardMaterial” in the MaxScript help… all of those variables…
To do it proper, I would think you should use the SDK and C++. If can be cheated with Xref Objects, and Vray Proxies if you are using Vray, with incr…
selection[i].modifiers[#renderlayout].unwrap5.renderUV (“d:\ emp\”+selection[i].name+”.png”) Adding a filepath to the “” at the end of this command s…
Excellent… I don’t need it right now, but I’m sure I will… I’m gonna sqirrel this little code snippit away… Thanks for sharing…
Yeah… This bug has been around since the start of dotnet… A thread from Nov, 2002 complaining about the same mis-functionallity… “That is known issue…
Don’t bother informing AD… it’s Bill Gates you need to talk to… Same UI item build in Visual Basic… does some unexpected things when clickin on it? …
I’ve not seen any controls for dealing with the internal ordering… The copy and delete does work however… This inverts the order of all the objects in…
[size=2]A bit faster… if you’re suffering from an huge scene file… [/size] select (for SelObj in objects where SelObj.material == Selection[1].mate…
We have smallish hand built Libs divided by usage… Our material rollout then builds from the selected material Library. Also on each material is a Cu…
Just like a fileStream, but to memory… There are memory managment and speed advantages to the StringStream techniques over standard string functions……
Just Spent 15 mins coding this… So I’m posting although you have a solution… and it’s different techniqe… I prefer to build them in a string stream …
ahhh. yeah the current point makes more sense… good job… I’ll update this in my Snibbit library… thanks…
Here’s a revision that’s a bit different… I build an “ToPoint” index array that lets you know to which point is the shortest from the current point. …
We’ve stuck with the tabs for the past few releases… It’s an easy way to make everything visible to a new artist starting here. We also have a comple…
This is a simplified version of what I’ve done for something similar… Its builds a array of the Structure RendererAndMats. You’ll see some of the Mate…