Sure that’s easy… doscommand “taskkill /F /IM 3dsmax.exe” ha ha… Oh you wanted to keep the session of max open didn’t you… No I don’t know of …
add “modal:true” to the line that creates the dialog… createDialog rlt_SceneChecker 300 200 modal:true Should stop the renderer and allow you to e…
CgKit is pretty cool. I’m thinking one could use maxscript and the getpropnames command to generate most of the classes required to hold a MAX scene …
Just found this great converter: XML to Python Object class. Thought I’d share as many of us use xml. I spent hours learning the parsed XML syntax a…
whenever you’re working with nodes that have a possiblity of not existings, you should check to see if they do or not with a simple if… If ( isVali…
For a Pan Tile type tool to render nodal pans. You have a camera in a 3d scene that is doing a nodal pan. aka it doesn’t move, just rotates. You can…
Yeah, I guess individual local renders are an idea, we’ve a pretty good size farm here so our Animation Sup. doesn’t like to see local renders… “You c…
I’ve an animated FOV on a camera and I want the output Image Size to scale with the increase or decrease in FOV. Thanks
or kick it Dotnet style… ((dotnetclass “System.IO.Directory”).exists “D:\ emp”) ((dotnetclass “System.IO.File”).exists “D:\ emp\\”) each re…
You can, but you have to close the render dialog first… ( local RDwasOpen = renderSceneDialog.isOpen() if renderSceneDialog.isOpen() then renderScen…
getCurrentSelection() is a weeee bit faster… Small scene of 98 selected objects. start = timeStamp() for i=1 to 10000 do getcurrentSelection()…
We have something similar to that here. It’s basically a merge and delete function. I have a helper object in the scene with a randomly generated ID …
I collect that data from the .xml documents on the backburner server when a job completes. I also have a Ghz Power factor associated with each server…
I work “currently” in the scripts folder…I’ve a folder in scripts named dev, in that I’ve a few snibbet folders named for the “class” of functions I w…