I’ve found extending the dummy does respect the wireColor Attribute. That’s where I am right now and I can adjust the wireColor no problem… Here’s t…
Okay, now I feel the need to write a point helper than is really a simpleObject class plugin… Am I sick??? Great point about the wire color and rende…
ha ha… yeah, it’ll fit in well with my, “User Error Not Permitted!” startup screen… or the “Chair to Keyboard Interface Error.” dialogs I use…
Yeah, but all the editable properties come up on top of the CA… Could be confusing to the user if it get’s collapsed and looks different than when i…
Okay, I have it all working in a SimpleObject, but I collapse it and the UI goes away and I have an editible mesh with the parameters still intact, bu…
Wow…tested that… 100 times slower is a generous estimate (10,000 of the above helper makes your scene impossible to rotate! ) I don’t see a scene…
Ahhh. The old ( createInstance Plane).mesh trick… It wouldn’t let me “createInstance mesh” and I tried ( creatInstance Box ) and took the mesh fro…
I was looking at DialogMonitorOPS stuff, from an example you posted about canceling the render on another thread, but it would’ve taken me a good long…
Network rendering, the standard UI is minimized hence the ProgessBar isn’t initalized… plus I’m just trying to keep it clean… I currently have a seper…
Usually when rendering non-current session max files, you want to use the 3dsmaxcmd.exe option to submit it… documenation on this technique can be fou…
I assume the variable “someFilename” has a filepath to a valid maxfile… right? I’ve not used the submittal command this way, try removing “file:some…
What do you mean by “the Value of a bitmap?” A RGB bitmap has three values for every pixel, you need to consolidate it down to one rotation? You cou…
f’n sweet… I’m definitely stowing that snibit away… thanks…