Hi to all, I left out a bit this thread because I haven’t had time to make test. But in the upcoming version of 3dsmax Design 2014 seems there is an o…
Hi, i’ve try the last version, but it returns me this error: unknown property: “showInViewport” in undefined and if i try one old script version, now…
also this script it’s ok only with multisub object material. with vray material wrapper OFF doesn’t function. :banghead: thanks to the efforts of all…
I’m not sure I did all the steps right, but it does not work!
This latest version seems to be the most efficient, but it is always the problem with the wrapper vraymaterial and off/false option!
only ON version function with vraymaterial wrappers…the OFF version not function…why?
really?, to me does not work 🙁
and how i can merge vraymaterial version with standard version? another problem is with vraymtl wrapper or with vray override material, if is this th…
oohhh…after I try this version…
wow…thank you very much… the first test it’s ok!
vray materials and stansard materials (multisubobject) edit: right for standard material it’s ok, but i use vray…there is a solution?
but this code is partial? or can i copy it in maxscript listener? (it return me OK value, but nothing happens in viewport) i’ve try off/on
both work!!! Thank’s very much!!! Now I’ll use your solution, and study.
Thank’s! I’ve try your solution…but thisi is the result… – Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 176; line: 11 – Syntax error:…