have a look at singlerefmaker in ref.h, and it’s use in editablemesh & stdmat may shed a bit more light on it.
Denis is really the man for this sort of thing… but this might do the job for you… fn mirror_across_yz_plane tm = ( mtm = matrix3 [-1, 0, 0] [0, 1,…
You have implemented the subobject handling ? A gizmo or such like ? have a look at BoolObject in the samples to see how it’s done
def_visible_primitive(reverseSpline, “reverseSpline”); Value* reverseSpline_cf(Value **arg_list, int count) { enum args { kshape, kcurve, knum_args …
the error is probably down to there being a change in the mxs function calling the sdk function differently calling any one of these… void SplineSha…
works as expected in 2010 but not 2015
have a look at layerctrl.cpp in the samples… it uses INodeMoniter to handle circular references.
you have to go off the map faces not the geo faces… ( obj = selection[1] oldFaceIdx = 3 faceVertsArr = polyop.getFaceVerts obj oldFaceIdx n…
how is the colour “encoded” on the objects ? vertex shading/material colour/texture colour/procedural or you want the render colour ??
they are algebraically identical a + t(b-a) a + tb – ta a – ta + tb (1-t)a + tb
try re-inserting the early bail checks
though modern compilers are usually very good on returning larger objects, I’d still go with this… void BlendMatrix(const Matrix3& tm0, const Mat…
MZ: of course , This is common in Computer Graphic! come on you didn’t even change the variable names !
or perhaps Character Animation Technologies
if you are doing this in relation to working with mapping verts a useful addition is to cache the face corner as well… if v2f[vi] == undefined then v…