You have to multiply the point with the matrix: mat1 = matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [30,15,2] p1 = point3 0 0 0 p2 = p1 * mat1 –[30,15,2]
For 3D Max there is no difference between vertex-color and UVW’s ,this script is working with that You don’t need mapping for the objects affected by …
macroScript Uvw_Vertex_paint_Animation_Tool category:”Alex_tools” toolTip:”” ( local qwasdew1234bbbbbbbbbbb = false …
fn gaseste_daca_unghiu_dintre_tri_e_mic intrare index_1 index_2 = ( test_1 = polyop.getFaceNormal intrare index_1 test_2 = polyop.getFaceNorm…
–stop Advanced Lighting renderpresets.Load 0 (GetDir #maxroot + “\\renderpresets”+ “\\”) #{33} -…
–change all the file paths to the selected dir new_dir = getSavePath() if ((new_dir != undefined) and (new_dir != “”)) do ( mat_t = getClassInstances …
fn _scale_edge _object _x _y _z = ( if ((classof _object) == Editable_Poly) do ( selectie = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge _object (polyop.getedgeselect…
fn unde_face = ( –file type rez = getsavefilename types:“txt|*.txt” return rez ) fn c_s = ( din_ce = unde_face() if (din_ce != “”) or (din_ce != unde…
Hi, I’m happy you found my answer helpful, I just wanted to say that “cat_total” is not used in that piece of code
–where to create the file(nume_unde) fn c_dump nume_unde = ( if nume_unde != “” do ( try( fis_1 = createfile nume_unde mng = #() cat_total = 0 mng = g…
macroScript falloff_2 category:“MyScripts” toolTip:”” ( rollout falloff_mouseRollout “Untitled” width:344 height:25 ( slider sld1 “” pos:[51,1] width:…
fun game
new_cam = Targetcamera name:“new_cam” new_tg = TargetObject name:“x1” $x1.lookat = $new_cam $new_cam.transform = $Camera01.transform $x1.transform = $…
I want to make a script that will help you change the uv from the viewport