Nice. Yes, I ran into that as well. Sometimes the rotation is wrong on the X,Y. Gets rotated 45 or 90 the wrong way. But if you clicked the same …
I just did something like, A.Transform = B.Transform on the point helper. Oh, and I forgot the biggest thing. To make it easy on myself and the scri…
I just made a script somewhat recently that does this, I think. I was doing it for the same kinda reasons. Although I don’t take into account scale, …
The hard part, maybe, might be getting the points to form a square/rectangle and not criss-cross at the end and form an X. I had this issue before wh…
Yeah, FFD sounds like a good idea/approach. If u did it that way, Length and Width might not matter as much, but then its more of just putting the FF…
I thought Dennis posted code before to press the alt key via win32 stuff… hmmm
Could maybe do a depth test in that case, and color based on that. Then use certain colors with your own rules, like green = 1024 map, red = 4K or so…
Awesome! This could be VERY useful in teaching, among other things. Very very cool. Going to pass this video around work.
You mean search the controls children to find the tooltip object?
There are alot of things Autodesk needs to address yet.
I’ve spent some time doing network rendering somewhat recently, mainly for RTT to bake maps out via a farm. Let me tell you, it’s a pain in the a$$. …
Ok, I can look into that and see how that works.
Yeah. I was messing with that. I know I ran into a similar issue before with a script. But it was with the spinner UI control and the units. I jus…