What I’d really like to do is link the mouseWindow x y position properties directly to two controllers . In the same way you use the controller proper…
the background inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Usercontrol which has a whole bunch of properties to play with… ie. .BackgroundImage : <System.Dr…
I’ve been meaning to get back to this for a while now I’ve finally re-written the c# control to sit inside a max rollout you can grab the .dl…
Many thanks Pen. I appreciate your time. I’ve not use the imgTag before. Clearly it a pretty powerful tool. I’ve noticed that changing viewport can c…
At the moment it’s a dot Net form, because thats what i wanted for my design. I think it would be pretty easy to make it into a custom control. I was…
I’ve written my own mouse control in c#. It has many advantages over using the Maxscript only method I posted previously You can grab the dll from m…
Thanks focomoso. I went throught the tutorial and I’ve come up with this test control. Interestingly (although I’ve yet to try it out) using this meth…
arg… I didn’t know about Helium … it seems to be working now Thanks
What your doing looks very interesting and i’d love to help out … just as soon as i get it working… I placed the contents of the latest ‘SME_Beta_0_1…
As i understand it … Angle axis defines a rotation transfrom by an Axis and a rotation about that axis (circle) Quaterions are similar but us complex…
Are you trying to animate visibility? why not add a ‘visibility track’ to the object in ‘track view’ ?
I’ve got half a method using the Transform Matrix which is really simple to use for this problem. Plus it means that you can set the rotations and pos…
Hey pen which folder is maxine in on the samples disc? Whats the file called I cann’t find it… thanks
Thanks for the info. It’s just what I was after.:bowdown: You’re right about there being many ways to do things. So far I’ve just stuck to using the …