Thanks, this works The same issue pops up here though: Kartug: where the first rollouts couldn’t access the later rollouts the first time th…
Sorry, forget I said that (I tried getting the direct path using getSourceFileName() before, which didn’t work when using Include. Read previous post…
That was how we wrote the script to begin with, only to realize that if a script with the same name is located in \AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax[versi…
Sorry, this doesn’t work either. No worries though, since we changed it out to use fileIn instead.
Ok, we managed to get it working using fileIn instead of Include. We had problems with this before when using fileIn on multiple rollouts, where the …
Thanks, we experimented with this, and it works when we do: scriptPath = pathConfig.removePathLeaf (getSourceFileName()) Include (scriptPath + “\\” …
Oh man, this is working great, thanks a lot! Now to learn how NodeEventCallbacks work