Hey rdg ^^ glad to see that your still here hmm If i were to instance those objects again, it would greatly limit the amount of geometry I can proces…
Update! I’ve added an interface to the script for ease of control… However I seem to have encountered some problems… The loaded Bitmap does not seem …
AND ITS ALIVE!!! Below is the working script… now all it needs is some floatin panels for controls and some refinements tstart = 0 tend = 250 tinte…
Heres an edited version ^^ IT WORKS!! Well… sadly only for the first frame… The array of objects actually move as I want it … However, I need to find …
Heres a first full version of the script… It still doesnt work right though… still tweaking. Some values were not in or manually set due to the incomp…
Almost to the finish LINE!! p=plane() converttomesh p $Plane:Plane01 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000] $Editable_Mesh:Plane01 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000…
p=plane() converttomesh p getFace p 1 theMapFace = meshop.getmapface p 1 1 $Plane:Plane01 @ [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000] $Editable_Mesh:Plane01 @ [0.0…
Hmmm obstacle… According to the Maxscript Reference… Faces of a Mesh corresponds to Map Faces in both count and indexes. So why cant p=plane() con…
Yeah they don’t correspond. Also I don’t know what you mean with: “subobjects but actual geometries.” I understood now why they dont correspond… Tho…
Hmm just did this on command on a plane :- p = plane() converttomesh p Nnum = #() For f = 1 to GetNumFaces p do ( fface = getFace p f append Nnum ffa…
OK Found more information… Seems like I cannot use Vertices as they do not correspond to Texture Vertices. Unlike Faces. Found this written by BoBo:…
Hmmm Tverts doesnt seem to be working as in the Maxscript Reference. Tmesh.NumTVerts = 0?? Does seem like a reason why when I placed vert = getTVer…
Heres a loop test I did for using a snapshot instead of having to convert the original geometries Nnum = #() obj = sphere() –create a Sphere Tmesh =…
Hi davesteward. Thanks for that information. Rdg, PF flow definitely looks more promising. Will try out more of it. Well oddly after one night’s r…
Hmm not trivial I definitely agree. preparse the bitmap and then generate a set of object that react to that values Not exactly generate I would s…