Lol, kinda shame on me xD Thanks a lot, it’s ok now
car = Box() F.addPiece car It’s not the point I think – the nodes are correct or else it would return error (and the first added piece was a box named…
Still the same: ‘Call needs function or class, got: #($Box: car @ [0,0,0])’. The problem may be those coords, but I’m not sure…
Kinda better… Now it says it has argument count error: “append wanted 2, got 3” … though I only changed “Axle” to “Axle()” for i=1 to nrVal do ( …
Seems u’re right… Nevertheless – it’s much easier now to set the (both!) wheels properties (at the same time) than when I had to select them and set i…
Yet it IS working O.O I don’t know how did I check it yesterday, but it actually works!!! Oh my… Guys, I love u all! Thanks soooooo much
So then… crap… Thanks to all of you for helping – maybe u didn’t help me solve this unsolvable issue, but u helped me learn a lot, really
Sorry, I don’t get it – how can some object help me animate other objects parameter, which I can’t link to it?.. Sorry for (probably) stupid questions…
PiXeL_MoNKeY: Look up the “How do I change the text in a Text Shape dynamically?” FAQ item to find out about animating non-animateable parameters. B…
Sure, that would be the easiest way, but my degree project forces me to do it other way (using springs etc.)
Thanks a lot I’ve searched the documentation for Reactor-regarding stuff and found nothing – didn’t think the solution to this may be about text anim…
Ok, maybe I’ll ask it other way – I’ve seen people making interactive car models. How is the speed-up/brake and turning the wheels done?