fn getKeyNum node = ( keyarr=#() key_num = numkeys node.position.controller while key_num > 0 do ( append keyarr (getkeytime node.position…
my thought exactly …thats why smart people invent smart proof…
thanks Klvnk, would it be possible to add “cleaan way” or if possible on the fly compile like in C# code ?
fn getDateFromOtherTimeZone loc = –string ( aa= dotnetclass “System.TimeZoneInfo” bb= dotnetclass “DateTime” cc= bb.UtcNow dd= aa.Conv…
tz = dotnetclass “System.TimeZoneInfo” showproperties timezone_ showmethods timezone_ tzLondon = tz.FindSystemTimeZoneById(“GMT Standard Time”) showm…
Not that really essentially useful , it just practice you to organize what you do n if you can avoid using global,…who knows …some doctor may be can e…
pot.transform.controller = prs()
I think like this theFiles= getFiles (“E:\\Photos\\133_1410\\New folder”+”\\”+”*”) theFiles.count fn resizeImg arrImg= —dadi single ( st = tim…
I see you have basic in C++ , then maxscript is much faster to learn. btw in maxscript you can use attribute “selection”, selection mean object in se…
is it possible to get current document function too (auto update), like in sublime or visual studio ?
I like to use mdx file for archiving project, its compress max file too, later u can use daemon tool to mount it.
Its OK now Mr.Lo I found it at code project the thing I want , split button may be it can be reference to your mmaxControl project too !
Can you add split button ,please ?
fn sendMessage2= ( messageBox “This is try” ) fn getTheVal thisControl thatControl= ( thisControl.value=thatControl.value ) fn createAnotherDialog…
Thanks Mr.Lo, I wonder why my post took so long to post, I m waited for two days to see my post posted. Im sure im already try this , why my earlier w…