Thanks Eric! That’s great haha, seems like a simple answer like i figured it would be.
Why not just set the max file to Read Only? That should be quite easy to do through script in fact i think there is an example of it in the help doc.
I don’t know if there’s another way to handle this i’m sure someone will have a better suggestion. But i would on close write the settings of all spi…
Hmmm i’m not sure what problem you’re having, but i just copied and pasted what you have there, ran it in max 9 and 2008 and both saved my images out …
Hey thanks light! Worked great
( rollout uiCopyRoll “Copy Selected” ( group “Buttons” ( pickButton uiobjPick “– Pick your Object –” …
OK here it is, Just run the script, you have two buttons, one to set to 0.0 and one to set to 1.0, shoudl go through all the materials in yoru scene a…
Luckymutt, i’m working on a simple script that should change them all to 0.0, and let you change them back to 1.0, Just yesterday was a hectic day at …
Hey, Couldn’t you just go into yoru material editor, right click on the material go to options, and set them to Don’t Animate… or Update active only o…
Well yeah there’s a way for sure, btu what do you want to use it for? Like for the Icon of your script? that’s very simple, but first we need to know …
What excatly are you trying to do? Like you have a max script and you want to use the Lock icon in the script? You just have to find the lock ID then …