I use filehamster for a free revisioning system. It’s pretty simple, you tell it to watch a directory, anytime you hit save it backs up the file to …
Under the Utilities panel select “Measure” should give you all that info
Wow, you’re going to get a lot of help now. Instead of clarifying what you wanted, you attack the only person to reply, brilliant.
commandMode is mouseTrack 1 Ran in max 2010 32bit
I wrote a tool also myself to do that. And yes that command from what i’ve used and searched is broken. If you just need to assign AO check out this…
Sorry can’t really expain why the first one is doing what it is. But if you collect them all to an array then do the deletion it works just fine ob…
If you don’t care about speed data = “color 0 0 0” j = execute data $.material.diffuse = j That works, though i’m sure there is another way to do …
Thanks SoLiTuDe That getClassInstances will be helpfull in the future!
I’m quite sure there is a better way to do this (someone will post i’m sure) but this will just go through all geometry in the scene, if it has a fle…
Hey Marsel I’d love to see these, based on what everyone here is saying, but none of the sites are working for me! Have they moved or just some serve…
Ah Brilliant Thanks!
I think this is what you’re asking, to find out an objects parent is as simple as the .parent Sphere01.parent would return the parent of that object …