thats strange syntax why is there an open bracket before the rollout function? sorry I am new to Maxscript, have a lot of experience with actionscript…
what would I do without you lol
example rollout myMoleculeMaker “Molecule Maker” width:250 height:350 ( checkbox animated “Animated” pos:[12,137] width:68 height:15 spinner sp_wireT…
how can i create a for loop to duplicate an object along the x, y and z axis, to form a cube for example, I enter 4 and the object is duplicated in t…
ok I will try and integrate this…I am just rendering an animation sequence I made with our script (more yours lol), I think ur gonna be surprised at t…
cool I got the lines working between spheres! for i = 1 to 22 do ( local randomPoint1 = [random -100 100, random -100 100, random -100 100] local r…
cool thats great thanks! how can I stop spheres from intersecting? And how can I create some lines that go between different spheres too, not just fr…
thanks a lot works great! very clever
oh by the way, the lights is simply a box called ‘lights’ attached to the main body of the car, how can i get this to object to change color?
thanks man, thats great. I’m not much of a programmer but I have just completed a degree in software programming lol and I want to create better anima…