denisT: your mistake is that a poly face can have three or more verts That is right. I found a simple solution for this. Select all vertices by C…
nothing can be lost. the code is almost correct but it’s a little… schwerfällig You must be nazi, no american would use german words. poly = sele…
Yes. I found the solution: I filled an array with all data and accessed it using array[number]. Then I extracted each vertex and found the coordinates…
There is no help in your answer. This is a forum for help. You are wrong here.
don’t be a smartass and contribute some useful answer instead.
last post updated
So acos(dot (normalize face1) (normalize face2)) seems to be the line here. Unfortunately normalize is not recognized by max and you did not define i…
Unfortunately I am not as experienced in coding as you are. Can you share this as code I could use, please? All I know is that I am using an editable …
See GetFace or GetVertsUsingFace to get a set of verts making the face; It’s a arc-cosine of dot product of two face normals. See GetFaceNormal and Do…