Kind of. In some instances, modifiers being one, max only assigns a controller to a property if that property is animated. So the script loops thru …
That is strange. Any chance you can send me a max file?
OK, when I run the script the bend modifier and it’s keyframes offset appropriately. However, I went thru the tutorial and you can’t offset vertex an…
Hmm, that’s odd. It offsets all of the animated bend parameters on my end. Couple questions? Do any error messages come up in the maxscript listen…
the bend modifier will have it’s own controllers for each of it’s animated properties so if you want to offset all of the animated properties you need…
I think I may need clarification but it sounds like you are just trying to reset the scene? resetMaxFile #noprompt
if the object in question is an editable poly you can use: polyop.getHiddenVerts <poly poly> and polyop.getHiddenFaces <poly poly> bot…
You can easily script everything I suggested.
I would probably avoid scripting and do this with a position constraint controller and animate the weights of the different targets. If you only want…
Here would be the steps: apply scripted material to an object apply a texture to the scripted material save file and reset delete texture reopen file…
According to the help: Glare__lume: class instances not creatable by MAXScript I don’t think there is a way around it, but I may be wrong.
I believe your constructor is incorrect. Try this: mr = mental_ray_renderer() renderers.current = mr mr.Enable_Camera_Lens_Shader = true distor = Di…
Any faces assigned to a multimaterial will use the material within that multimaterial with the same ID, unless it is out of range then it will use the…