All of it is useful for sure. Having the array of the specific class is key. The map is called MultiSub_Map(its class as well). It is like MultiMater…
i had the exact same problem. Thanks for the simple tip. Sometimes it is hard to find the simplest thing in the mxs reference. only because I don’t kn…
For me this was more about building the image planes at the proportion of the bitmaps and at a specified height. I have NodeJoe for materials. I high…
For anyone who happens upon this before I get the whole thing posted, here is a functioning version of my mess above. files = getFiles “\\\\insert yo…
[b]BINGO BABY!!!:bounce: [/b]You rock!!! Sometimes I get on a roll with scripting and everything works. Most of the time I hit the wall and my brain…
I’m getting closer I can feel it! for starters I did have the vray version of bitmaptex wrong… ( for f = 1 to files.count do ( local the…
Thanks for the continued help. It looks like it is breaking on the next line now theMaterial.texmap_diffuse = Bitmaptex bitmap:theMap name:(refPlane…
that looks familiar… like i had that somewhere before… This is what I get for butchering other people’s work. I’ll give it a go and get back…
I could if I knew what you meant…:hmm: I assume you mean, for example: print theMaterial which variables should I print?
I should have credited Jon Seagull for his script Proportional Planes
wow thanks for the fast reply. same error — Error occurred in f loop; filename: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\Scripts\UserScripts\MyToo…
uh… oh yeah… thanks. then all I need from the script is the position. I got so caught up in the birth script i fogot about the basics. I learned a bi…
Thanks for all your help. Almost there… on ChannelsUsed pCont do ( pCont.useTime = true pCont.usePosition = true pCont.useTM = …
yup, i’ve dug through the help and I’ve read most of those threads. I don’t know how the Maya Mel thread will help me with MXS specifics. I understan…