Ooooo. Big changes. Can’t wait to try it out!
I have a question about setting the thumbSize. I would like to give users three options for thumbnail size without enabling .ShowToolBar. I don’t wan…
Raty: Hi, Is there any way to set directory with script? If I want to save my files C:\myRenders ALWAYS So if I click button A, it will set my re…
i can’t confirm at the moment, but i think the revit related properties are custom user props. you can access these with the getUserProp and setUserPr…
Dank je wel Martijn. That’s what I get for scripting at 1:00 AM on a Saturday night.
I am curious to see what you come up with. BB is such a pain sometimes but at least it’s free. I think there are issues with AA at the edges of the r…
If we close the Scene Explorer and netrender, everything is fine. The user account that runs the service does not have a desktop. It is similar to a S…
I saw that in the help but I don’t understand how to implement it. There is a similar array for #prerender notifications; 2 – Boolean – rpar->isN…
Thanks for the reply ZeBoxx. And thank you for your overall presence here in the community. Like so many others, I learn so much from your public disc…