My apologies to Joel and anyone else who tried the Rollout Floater code that I first posted. It was missing the FindGroupHead() function definition c…
Joel, If you don’t want to learn any Maxscript, here is a Rollout Floater Window script that will give you what you asked for. Run it and press the b…
Check out this thread regarding a complete “FindGroupHead()” function: The function will return undefined if an object is not part of a group, but i…
The reason Autodesk barely supports Visual Maxscript is that very few people actually use it…mostly novice scripters who have not yet been burned by i…
NewTVNode55: TrackviewNode:Chris55 NewTVNode77: TrackviewNode:Chris77 “Deleting TV Node Chris55” NewTVNode55: TrackviewNode:Chris77 <-Incorrect ref…
Thanks, Bobo. I’ll let Larry and Chris know.
Bobo: …but it is the Material Editor and the File>Merge function that require materials to have unique names… Why do you want to know whether a …
Thanks, Bobo. Should I send this to Larry/Autodesk, or did you do so already?
No problem. The MaxScript documentation is always a good idea, but you don’t need it to use this script. Just copy the script into your current start…
Anthony Mclin wrote this very short script that directly solves your problem. if isnetserver() do sysinfo.maxpriority = #low It is a startup script …
Whether you are using CA’s (Custom Attributes) or AppData strings, you’ll want to attach your data to the rootNode of the scene. This is an invisible…