Ok, first there is the method you use to set the heapSize: Option 1: You can set the default Maxscript heapSize to accomodate this script, which will…
1) The rendering of a scene takes place in main 3ds max memory, not in the Maxscript memory area designated by the heapSize variable. Bitmaps that you…
d3coy: Now there’s these DVDs that Bobo has released, and there’s one for people wanting to learn scripting. I hear its good, there is also an advan…
Definitely…I’ve been scripting heavily for 2 years and I still stumble across gems. Sorry for missing your question, but I thought you were totally n…
If you are referring to nodes, you can save data to them using either Custom Attributes or setAppData/getAppData. AppData is much simpler than Custom …
S_S1: I’m not familiar with any other method to store arrays to scene file, except this method… I’m storing array-driven strings using the setApp…
Pjanssen: I’ve solved the problem. The on close should be inside the rollout declaration. Yes, and you don’t want the callback created when the r…
I’d recommend using a #nodeCreated callback instead, and have the callback string test whether the new node is a camera. Your function for updating t…
Yep, that’s it…thanks.
d3coy: If you’re looking for a scrollable rollout style interface nested inside a dialog, you should look into subrollouts. This is actually what…
JohnSwafford: Below are some points that I think need to be addressed in the current docs… Bobo, did you see this last reply of mine? (I want to…
Bobo: I think you covered the reality of it pretty well Thanks for the confirmation, Bobo. Regarding the RCmenu and related features, the curre…
Actually, I haven’t seen Bobo’s DVD yet. My scripted spherical render won’t deal with DOF or Mblur, and it actually will render only 2 low-resolution…