This looks like a bug to me. For some reason, Max 9 is returning the user property as a long integer value of value 0L (zero) rather than the string “…
I’m not sure if this is useful to you, but the code below is a partial example of an approach my script uses to safeguard against invalid setting stri…
Visual Maxscript (VMS) is not the “Integrated Development Environment” that the name implies…it is simply a very limited tool for fast layout/arrangem…
rodbrew: Looks like Persistent Globals will work for me…Do you know what the pitfalls are that I need to be aware of? I’m guessing that running into…
Yep, Max 5. I’m nearly finished with a commercial script for Max 3-9, and Max 5 has offered the ideal balance of newer code-editing features while sti…
The technique I use is to put temporary diagnostic commands like print “Line 23” or messageBox “Line 23” at the end of each line in the loop. As far a…
Mick, I’m seriously not trying to be obnoxious here, but this first question makes it look like you haven’t bothered to read the docs. This impression…
I’d recommend using setAppData()/getAppData() to the scene rootNode (if you’re simply trying to save integers, floats, strings, etc.). As an example, …
Bobo wrote exactly what you need here: From Short Description: “MAXscriber (formerly known as “Inscriber”) is a Scripted Render Effect Plug-in for M…
Actually, it looks like Dan Silva’s comment precedes the behavior I was describing by over a year…it started in 3ds max 5. Max 3 and 4 do not behave t…
If you have a large number of objects, the array approach will be much faster. Parsing each Point name string to construct the corresponding Line nam…
Ok, here are two suggested approaches…probably one or the other, but not both. If you absolutely must use the names to extract the number suffixes a…
That approach should work… You need to post your current code here, as it is hard to say what is wrong without that. Are you creating these objects …
In that case, I have no idea what is going on…particularly because you’ve had it run successfully, which means your code isn’t bugged. It might be tha…