Nope, that totally handles what I needed to do…thanks, Andrew. Docs Fix Suggestion for Bobo: On the “Change Handlers and When Constructs” page, repl…
Andrew, I just came up with an even better solution using the “object_parameter” argument for the deletion Change Handler (I feel like an idiot for no…
Awesome workaround, Andrew…much better than what I’d just implemented. (I had the same trouble trying to use handleAt:#redrawViews, so I ended up tryi…
Whatever resource you use, I would strongly recommend just skimming through the latest Maxscript documenation for about an hour before you use another…
solar, My apologies if you already have it, but it sounds like you haven’t browsed throught the Maxscript documentation? Below is a link to the lates…
Absolutely. Maxscript utilities are actually a little unusual these days because most scripters want to control their interfaces more than utilities …
It turns out that the function works fine, and that the 0.0 return value is correct. The display of the Point3 component values as integers is just fo…
It seems like you’re needlessly converting your integer values to strings and then searching the strings for “1”. I might be missing what you want, bu…
I hope Larry gets these functions moved into the next Max version…they are sorely lacking in Maxscript. The existing time function is basically usele…
>>bnvm wrote: >>I suppose its possible that script isn’t freezing rather cg() >>is being called constantly slowing max down to a cra…
This is kind of a shot in the dark, but does your script use the meshop.getEdgesReverseEdge command anywhere? I’ve since removed this command from my …
The mouse.buttonStates global variable sounds like the answer for this, but I have been unable to get any of the three buttons to report a “true” valu…