but if they’re not paired up it would mean that u could have 3 of team A delagets doing the shaking hand animation with 1 delaget from team B. lookin…
hi, i tried the attach a plane and use the surface arrive behavour, but it doesnt seem to keep the planes on it during simulation so it looks a game o…
ok, i think i get what you mean. but how would i change the states of the delagetes that were close? give them both the same veribal in the per-frame…
i problay am really miss understanding cogntive controllers and what they do, but to me it seemed logical to use them to test distance between delagte…
so how could i change it to measure the distance between each of the memebers of the tim team and each of the members of the bob team?
ok i’ll give ya a complete break down of the delagates and states ect: two teams team “bob” -bobs -bobs01 -bobs02 -bobs03 -bobs04 Team “Tim” -Tims …
yeah that works brilliantly, thanks soo much
cheers jonlauf, worked perfectly! but im having another problem now, im useing a selection box to find all the bipeds in the scene so the user can se…