that’s really cool! we can even put a string in .tag case s.tag of ( “config”: messagebox(button_config.tag) “config2”: messagebox(“button 2”) d…
I tried something. Guess it doesn’t work because the message “button 1” keeps showing up even if i click on the second one: fn TransparentLabelfn = …
Well it works but I don’t think it’s the best way for what I want to do: I’d like to have multipe buttons next to each other. How do I split the event…
well the button is now clickable but i can’t see my png image, only the color.
Thank you, it works like a charm but there’s an issue about it: you cannot click on the button. See this code: fn TransparentLabelfn = ( source = “…
rollout testPNG “Testing png” ( bitmap BitmapImage bitmap:(bitmap 80 80 color:blue) local img = (dotNetClass “System.Drawing.Image”) local mcolo…
This is a solution that kinda works: rollout parent “parent” height:200 width: 500 ( subrollout test1 “test1” subrollout test2 “test2” ) rollout tes…
OMG the search option is a mess… I thought by clicking on your nickname I’d find all of your posts but no… Guess I have to check all the threads one b…
this is possible to do using pure the MXS. What a relief! Can you tell me a bit more about how that would be done? Thanks
Do I really have to learn a whole new language just for that? Aren’t there some examples that I could simply adjust to match my goal? To me it doesn’t…
“Dotnet rollout” doesn’t give me any example except for creating a website page in dotnet? searched for “dotnet rollout”
Could you help me with .NET? I never used it. If you just give me the “template” I’ll be able to reproduce and adjust it later without problem. I only…