Way to go Artur! Figured I’d respond here instead of to your post in the Maya forum. While I haven’t had time to test the script yet I will do so…
Thanks for the info guys. I’ll start reading through the documentation to learn more about the commands you mentioned.
Thanks for the alternative idea, I’ll be sure to research that option as well as I attempt to create this script.
Just tried your tip and it worked like a charm. Thanks man! And thanks again to Bobo too.
Cool…Thanks! I’ll give that a go.
Thanks Bobo, that seems to work fairly well as long as I run the code prior to lights being added to the scene. Which is not a problem since adding a…
Thanks for the reply James. The scene diameter calculation happens at the beginning of the rendering process with MR. I believe it’s used to calcula…
There’s something similar on visualboo’s site too. Although it’s a stand alone program (if I remember correctly). I’ve used it to keep track of proj…