Great! Thank you, Martijn!!!
Thank you Keith! Sorry for late answer, but in meantime I had to deal with some annoying exams Fast test of the script on some circles didn’t work o…
Sorry guys Please…But is there nobody on this forum who can help me? I thought it was possible to use the knots of the splines [ various sections of…
First i tried this by making a orthogonal trimesh, which vertsi want align to the spline. Not the resultat i had in mind. below piece the old code. …
In the picture above[hopefully] you see the different splines. Those splines are slices of a model i made by polymodelling, but for my thesis I have t…
Haven’t thought about that. I’ll give it a try. thank you! –D.
thank you! But that’s the problem. My mesh isn’t a editable poly but a trimesh. Because I want to make a primitive. And i don’t want to see editable m…
Thank you all!! the question is indeed how accurate does the calculation have to be? Not that accurate I suppose. Because afterwards there will be ma…