Sounds like we can’t control the checkBox’s background color. Is it so?
And another question: Can we change the column header’s color? Can we make the checkbox’s background color to be the same as the listview’s background…
denisT: ListView.HideSelection Property Gets or sets a value indicating whether the selected item in the control remains highlighted when the contro…
Thank you. But I don’t get you very much. Could you please show an example?
I don’t understand why do you need to change image alphas. ImageList has a property “transparentColor”. Use any color in your icons to make them maske…
Sorry,I didn’t konw this image could not be displayed correctly. So this is my interface picture. And it can’t be all correct whether I use transpare…
LoneRobot: Hi, (My prefered choice) use 32bit PNG’s. Windows handles these natively and automatically uses the alpha channel correctly. Much less …
You’re a genius! It works very well! Thank you!
Thanks a lot! I’m learning it !