@gazybara – thanks for link, was useful to read. Angle about axis i already extracted from rotationpart. tempRotM = sourceTM.rotationpart –Alread…
I’m not use a euler angles. Angle property belongs to quaternion. <matrix3>.rotationpart : Quat, read-only <quat>.angle : Float
I use When callback cos it have a “transform” trigger. The NodeEventCallback i actually don’t understand what event to use.
No. Only for modeling purpose , like EPoly Soft selection but for object set. Tweaking a objects set , and leave it as is.
Thanks for help. I think i make something weird in transformations, your’s transform part work nice. What problem can cause when construct?
Actually i ask right The questions about -Why values in Structure changed. Definetly it’s work fine with rebuild Matrix3 from string. Cos this for m…
Two spheres i made for example to not post all code. What i want is Object Soft selection – like in Maya and Xsi. So it require a local and center sel…
I find problem. To find how it make a choice this value need to be tested [size=+0][size=2][font=Courier New][size=2]<index><EditablePoly>…
Of course. Try to move pieces.
It’s cutted but hold in one shape two elements.If you need to detach pieces automatic change this : ProCutter.CreateCutter #(slice_plane) 4 true true…
Use brackets in Procutter ProCutter.CreateCutter #(cutterObj) 3 true true false false false ProCutter.AddStocks cutterObj #(stockObj) 3 1
Yes , sorry im make mistake when typing. In script itself code without $ Ok maybe on example it will be better visible: ( rollout rltMainTPViewer …