Well I agree that its probably more universal and less prone to human error and I’m not a maxscript pro, but in my opinion, it doesn’t seem simpler, s…
[left]Okay so, I didn’t know you could use just the label’s name (LabelControl) in a variable, and assign values through it, which I probably would’ve…
Haven’t tried your method yet but, Swordslayer’s looks like its easier, denis your version looks like its more complicated, for what I’m trying to do….
Well thanks for the reply, I’ll have to test that. Before reading your reply, I already posted my script on scriptspot – Which is a script for benchm…
Ian31R: The main things I changed – – Went from 3 updates to 1, there was an update before converting to poly, one after conversion, and another one…
Oh well …I guess I’ll just have note that as a limitation, when I release it with other scripts for now. Although this might not even matter since yo…
Hmmm…This is quite odd, I can’t figure out how to get back the patch map handles at all, they are totally gone after converting from poly…You can’t ev…
Well I’m glad that my version turns out to not be a waste of time. Although my version you reworked did crash max for me, so I’m not really sure wha…
I think I’m pretty happy with my version now. I did some more optimizations and added an argument to attach current nodes, all geometry nodes, or geo…
Use this function instead – fn AttachObjectsPatch AttachNodes:(selection as array) AttachName:(uniquename ((selection as array)[1].name)) = ( if …
Yeah that’s true, I’m going back in my multi-attach function, and make it so that the only object that’s selected, is the first node, which everything…
Yeah…that is way over my head, much more then your picking method. I have very limited c++ knowledge. I’ve written some basic mental ray shaders in …
Success! I was able to make one function to attach multiple patches. Just as I thought I got the first object, and looped through the rest of the sele…
Okay so I finally finished my version, which works decently. I haven’t recorded the times on this, and I’ve only tried it on a few objects. I figure…