Wow you are on fire dude I’ll check this :bounce: Thanks a lot again :keenly:
it’s not exactly what you are looking for but it might help.
The problem is the way we think about the scale value. The base value is 100 (or 1) and not 0 as in the case of a position. So when you write “scale2…
Thank you it’s very interesting ! I’ll do some performance test And about the deleteModifier, do you have any idea ?
Sorry double post :rolleyes:
I managed to make it a lot faster by adding the unwrap (paint) modifier as first modifier. It’s still the same speed for object which have a lot of ve…
Thank you for your help ! Could you explain me why the function you used is faster ? And how do you know it’s 15 time faster ? Is there a function to…
This is what I’ve written for the moment. It’s not finished yet but the main functionality is working. When there is a lot of vertices in the scene it…
Thanks a lot for your post ! It’s really helping me ! Too bad it’s a per vertex method and not an array of vertex. It would operate faster.
Can you explain a little more please ? We can use the Unwrap uvw modifier to set a vertex color ?
Is there a way to create a modifier on top of an object which can fill vertex color information ? So when the modifier is enabled you can see the vert…
it works but not as I expected. The value is well transfered from the controller to the map property but there’s not link visible in the slate…So the …
ho thank you ! i’ll test it asap !
I don’t even know how to connect a bezier float node to a texturmap…